Center for Brains Minds and Machines

MIT Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School: Boris Katz and Andrei Barbu

The Road to Intelligence

Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations

Evidence that recurrent circuits are critical to the ventral stream’s execution of core object...

A developmental perspective on brains, minds and machines

Fast Recurrent Processing via Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Is Needed by the Primate Ventral St...

What would it mean to understand intelligence?

Lecture 0: Tomaso Poggio - Introduction to Brains, Minds, and Machines

Tomaso Poggio: Brains, Minds, and Machines | Lex Fridman Podcast #13

Dense Associative Memory in Machine Learning

Brains, Minds, and Machines: Social Cognition and Collective Intelligence

Quest | CBMM history and future

Brains, Minds, and Machines: The Marketplace for Intelligence

Brains, Minds & Machines Seminar Series: Computer Vision that is changing our lives

Brains, Minds, and Machines: Nature and Nurture

5/29/14 Tomaso Poggio, Introduction, Summer Course on Brains, Minds and Machines

Brains, Minds, and Machines: Keynote Panel: Why is it Time to Try Again? A Look to the Future

A Conversation with Prof. Eric Shea-Brown

Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Brains, Minds, and Machines: Keynote Panel: The Golden Age

Closing Remarks

Brains, Minds, and Machines Symposium: Part 1

Tutorial: Recurrent neural networks for cognitive neuroscience

CBMM10 - Christof Koch